Stressed Out? Check out these powerful self-care strategies that can help.

Why carving time out for Self-Care is a must.


Self-care is usually what is missing from most peoples’ lives. Being so busy doing ‘all the things’ can make us stressed and headed for burn out.  You may feel that self-care is over-indulgent, but it is an extremely healthy way to step back and make sure you are paying attention to what is going on inside of you.

Here are some warning signs you may need some self-care: 

Are you…

  • feeling sad, overwhelmed or constantly worried,

  • becoming easily agitated or angry,

  • losing joy in activities you used to love,

  • feeling tired or lacking energy,

  • getting too much or not enough sleep, or

  • having frequent aches and pains?


If you answered yes to one or more of these, please do not ignore the signs. Long-term, these can have a negative impact on your health by compromising your immune system. Then you may succumb to illness that would not normally have been an issue.

The benefits of self-care have been clinically proven. It reduces or eliminates anxiety, depression, and stress; improves concentration; minimizes frustration and anger, increases happiness, energy, and more. From a physical health perspective, it can reduce heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

So, self-care is not frivolous, and should be a regular part our lives. If you need some ideas, here are some possibilities to incorporate this week.



  • Know yourself – understand your weaknesses and strengths by taking a personality test. The answers can help figure out the positive and negative aspects and things to be on the lookout for to improve how we relate to people and circumstances. Here are some tests I like: Color, Enneagram, etc.

  • Know your limits – recognize when you are getting stretched beyond what you can handle. Of course, a certain amount of stretching is good when it leads to growth, but not when you snap. When you feel that negative tension, try to stop, slow down or recharge. For example, do you get cranky if you do not eat every 3 hours? Then make sure to keep some snacks on hand to get you through those moments.

  • Get support. Support groups are extremely helpful to get understanding and encouragement from people who are walking down similar paths. Search for groups on Facebook or in your local community. Also, try not to isolate yourself from family and friends. Be vulnerable and talk about your struggles.

  • Establish a healthy routine – eat well, get enough sleep, do some exercise, and add prayer/meditation to your day. Consider scheduling an appointment with your healthcare provider to make sure everything is running smoothly. Add self-care time on the calendar as a non-negotiable.

  • Use essential oils – as they have proven health benefits, which you can learn more about here at my website. They may help:

    • anxiety and depression * insomnia * anger and grief * energy

    • healing cuts * soothing dry or chapped skin * aches and pains

    • constipation and digestion * cognitive function

    • blood flow and blood pressure

  • Look for ways to simplify your day – prepare in advance for upcoming activities and tasks.

    • Are your mornings hectic? Pick out your clothes, supplies (laptop, phone, etc.), meals and snacks the night before.

    • Starting a project? Gather everything you need to do the task before you begin, so you are not running around to get each thing.

    • Is dinner time a hassle? Give meal preparation a chance. Take one day to plan, prep, and cook to stock up your freezer. Then put one of your creations in the fridge, the night before, to defrost when you get home. Preheat the oven when you walk through the door and pop it in when ready. Also, make use of the crockpot, it is a great way to have a dinner ready by the time you get home.

  • Reset Yourself – throughout the day, notice what is going on in your spirit. If you need a reset, sit back, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. Set away from what you are doing, stretch, take a quick walk, get some fresh air or something to eat or drink. Reach out to a friend or family member with a quick text of phone call.

  • Pamper yourself now and then – what makes you feel good? A massage, a relaxing bath, or watching a movie? Give yourself permission to relax. If you cannot find any time, write down how you spend your day. I bet there will be chunks of social media scrolling or binge watching that you can transform into more restorative opportunities to take care of yourself.

    Which ones are you going to implement this week? I’d love to hear your thoughts and how making time for self-care improved your day.

Get Pampered.png

Don’t know where to begin? I’ve got you covered. .You’re invited to my Get Pampered class at Wholistic Wellness Services at 7pm on Thursday, May 20th.

Come join us for a time to relax, rejuvenate and renew. Essential oils can help create an atmosphere of peace/calm and dial down emotions. Find out how essential oils and products can help boost your self-care game or start one.

Snacks provided. The mini facial includes a hair band and cloth.

Cost $15/pp ($10 for massage and $5 for supplies)

Event link

Reserve Your Spot link

Danielle S Brossart

Hi! My name is Danielle Brossart. I am a believer in Jesus, wife, mom, empty nester and 2 time cancer survivor.

To stop the cycle of cancer and get healthy, I made a lot of changes in the products and food I consumed. My research uncovered that most things I was putting in and on my body may have been part of the problem. So, I ditched as many unhealthy products & food as I could and switched to more gentle, organic items. One of those switches has been to use essential oils and plant based products with Young Living. I had heard of oils, but never understood their power...

I am excited to pass along what I've learned and help you on your wellness journey. Young Living has so much more than oils too - toiletries, supplements, make-up, you name it, we probably carry it!

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